Reykjavik University selects TermTime

Posted by Semestry

Reykjavik University (RU) is a vibrant international university located at the heart of Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Reykjavik University is Iceland’s largest private university with 3,500 students.


Their focus is on research, excellence in teaching, entrepreneurship, technology development and co-operation with the active business community.

They educate students to become leaders in business, technology and society at large, starting new companies and creating jobs. Academic programs at Reykjavik University are based on internationally recognised models, and are continually under review and improvement.

“Reykjavik University is in the process of replacing legacy in-house systems with new cloud based solutions. We replaced our VLE system in August 2017, and we will replace the SIS/SMS system in August 2018.

Linked to this we looked for solutions to improve our timetabling in order to enhance the utilisation of our facilities both for the benefit of our students but also to better manage our fixed cost assets, such as our rooms etc.

TermTime is a comprehensive solution developed by people that know the HE industry very well. Their solutions solve our long-term planning for semesters and exams in addition to much improved ad-hoc booking rooms.”

Heiðar Jón Hannesson
Reykjavik University

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