With our people

Tribal’s capabilities are founded on the talent and expertise of our people. At all levels, our development, retention and recruitment strategies have a strong emphasis on diversity. We constantly benchmark our practices to identify our skills capabilities and any gaps which need to be recruited.  We are always looking at new approaches to attract, retain and develop a diverse range of talent that meets our operational requirements.

Our success as a growing international business is a tribute to our team’s energy, commitment and know-how. We invest in our people, providing them with the tools and training to support and enable them to realise their potential. We continue to build on our learning and development (L&D) programmes. In 2017 we ran numerous courses, including business development programmes and the continuation of our Manager Academy which broadens the skills and commercial awareness of our leaders and future leaders. A highlight in 2017 was the successful piloting of e-learning as a part of our L&D strategy. This involved a significant investment wherein we offered every developer globally unlimited access to a leading-edge learning platform, Pluralsight. We also successfully piloted LinkedIn e-learning in several departments and have now progressed with roll-out to all interested staff in 2018.

Tribal's values

Tribal brings together highly talented people in a creative and collaborative environment. In 2016, we ran over 25 workshops globally with the objective of testing and revising our values. The outcome was that we were able to launch a new set of current and relevant values which supported the company’s Vision and Strategy. In 2017, we introduced on-the-spot awards to recognise those who “go the extra mile” and clearly demonstrate our values. Our role of honour for the year listed over 120 people from across the company, in all areas of the business and from all regions.

We continue to embed our values and challenge ourselves asking “What have you done today which shows our values in action?”

Our values are:

  • Trustworthy - we value honest discussion, we anticipate, listen and respond to requirements and we rely on each other;
  • Pioneering- we welcome change, we strive to innovate and we aim to meet the needs of the ever-evolving education market place;
  • Accountable- we take ownership, we keep our promises and are focused on delivering successful outcomes; and
  • Dedicated- we are committed to our customers; work to secure long-term partnerships and we collaborate to deliver optimum solutions.


Tribal has a number of offices in the UK and around the world – see the locations here. Communication among our people is crucial and is a fundamental platform of our success. We use a combination of Group-wide updates, including webinars, as well as running specific local communication sessions. We supplement these by communicating via a number of channels (email, internal bulletin boards), our corporate social media and in our now established bi-monthly staff news update – Tribal Talk. We also make extensive use of our Office 365 infrastructure with corporate news hubs for all main areas; active use of Microsoft Teams to cover any specific interest areas; and group-wide use of Skype for Business for both calling and messaging. 

We continue to listen to our people and at the end of 2017 completed a thorough company-wide engagement survey. The results of this gave us a baseline for planning further work in 2018 and has ensured we have an engaged and motivated team.

Our communication strategies, both internal and external, feed the key relationships upon which we rely to achieve our goals.

Gender pay equality

Tribal has published its first Gender Pay Gap statutory report for our UK employees, prepared in accordance with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017 that came into effect in April 2017. Like the vast majority of UK companies, we do have a gender pay gap, primarily because there are more women than men in our lower paid roles, but fewer in higher paid ones.

We are encouraged to see that, as far as the data is concerned, we are in a better or comparable position to UK businesses in relation to the Gender Pay Gap. For example, Tribal’s mean gender pay gap, at 14.5%, is below the UK national average of 17.4% as reported by The Office of National Statistics (ONS). Our median pay gap, at 18.8%, is only very slightly above the ONS national average of 18.4%.

This analysis has identified the clear opportunity that we now have to improve our practices in the years to come and reap the corresponding benefits of parity within our workforce.

With our customers

We have a wide range of mechanisms to regularly engage our customers, both to inform and also to obtain their feedback and input. These includes:

  • Account management
  • Regular communications- including email updates, newsletters, and a website that includes news and weekly blogs;
  • Customer conference- we hold an annual conference, Empower, for all customers globally where over 50 sessions are run to update customers on all areas of product and services. We showcase our domain knowledge and expertise including our insights in the future direction of the market. It also provides opportunity for customers to comment, question and provide feedback directly to Tribal employees;
  • User groups- most product areas have their own user groups (our customers), either managed by the users themselves or supported by Tribal, where users can discuss products and any concerns or issues;
  • Customer Advisory Board (CAB)- we have a formal, strategic advisory board for the Tribal Edge solution which engages customers globally and across education sectors, for review of the Tribal Edge plans and roadmap; and
  • Additional customer engagements- Tribal employees and senior managers regularly meet customers for two-way discussions on an as needs basis.

Our stakeholders have a track record of providing genuine feedback on their use of our solutions via the above communication methods; most commonly from the User Groups and CAB.  It is common for this feedback to be incorporated in our product roadmaps. 

With our shareholders

Our activities to regularly engage shareholders is presented here. This ensures an ongoing dialogue between shareholders and Tribal.


You can view our overall governance process here.

Tribal's governance