The Empower HE Agenda is Now Live

Posted by Tribal Group

In case you missed it, here's the agenda sessions for this year's Empower. Tickets are still available but are selling fast, so please book your space as soon as possible.

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This year's Empower HE will include:

Our Partnership with Customers

A practical introduction to Tribal’s new full-service offering – including the benefits this will have to users in their day to day work, and how to access them.

Accessing the Value for Money in SITS

A panel session discussing the increasing need for HE providers to demonstrate comprehensive student value beyond quantitative financial and employment outcomes. The session will explore the impact of having access to a suite of tools covering the full student lifecycle, and how this allows institutions to access maximum value for money from their investment in the Tribal Platform.

Your Success is Our Success

Tribal’s Director of Customer Services and Global Director of Professional Services present our plans for true partnership through the included Customer Success, Business Advisory and Optimisation services all Full-Service customers will have access to.

Navigating the Student Lifecycle: From Inquiry to Completion and Beyond 

This session explores the current state of application demand and its consequences for a University business model. We examine how Tribal Admissions is designed for these contemporary challenges.

The Future of SITS: Examining our Full-Service Roadmap

Our teams are working hard on a development roadmap which sets the scene for the future of SITS. Join Tribal CTO, Adam Fox, as he talks through the full-service roadmap and how Tribal’s engineering teams are putting customers at the heart of their plans.

Protecting Personal Data in UK Education: Trends and Strategies

With the rise of data protection and security concerns, this session offers a critical update on data protection trends, legislative changes, and specific risks in the HE and Further Education (FE) sectors. Attendees will gain insights into recent information security practices, identify key challenges, and receive recommendations to enhance governance and compliance, ensuring better data protection across educational institutions.

Agile Transformation in University Student Systems

This session explores the University of Bristol’s transition from traditional project management to agile methodologies in student systems development. Highlighting the shift to a product owner model, stakeholder engagement, and the formation of multidisciplinary scrum teams, the narrative showcases the increased efficiency and engagement achieved through adopting agile practices, emphasising continuous improvement and cross-departmental collaboration.

Balancing Project Management Techniques for SITS Projects

Facilitated by Tribal Project Managers, this roundtable discussion evaluates effective project management strategies for SITS implementations. Comparing traditional versus agile methodologies, it seeks the ideal balance that minimises tool obstructions while maximising project value. Participants will share experiences, tools, and techniques that have successfully steered their SITS projects, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange.

What’s New in e:Vision

Discover the latest enhancements in e:Vision tailored to enrich interactions throughout the Academic Lifecycle for both staff and students. This update introduces an array of new functionalities, including improved Reference Data management, a Global Import tool for streamlined data entry, advanced Applicant Fee Status Calculation, and refined Student Card and Payment Plan Maintenance options. A leap towards bolstering user engagement and operational efficiency. 

Standardisation's Impact on Maintenance Costs

Explore how the adoption of a more standardised approach to process, coupled with Tribal’s leading practice tools, techniques and expertise, can significantly reduce maintenance overheads and resource requirements.

SITS APIs: Shaping the Future of Integration

Unveil the future of system integration with SITS through our new, fully supported APIs. These 'productised' solutions promise seamless compatibility with every SITS version update, incorporating automatic adjustments for any data changes. This session will illuminate how these advancements streamline processes, enhancing efficiency and reliability in data management.

 The Future of Finance and Payments in e:Vision

Join us for a forward-looking discussion on the evolution of Finance and Payments within e:Vision. This conversation will cover ongoing enhancements, our collaboration with Preferred Partners, and a roadmap to future solutions. Discover how these developments aim to revolutionise financial transactions and management in an integrated digital environment.

Tribal and UCAS: Collaborating for Advanced Admissions

Dive into the synergistic partnership between Tribal and UCAS, examining past projects and future collaborations aimed at refining admissions processes. This session will highlight significant milestones like the transition to XML-Link and ongoing initiatives, offering insights into the mutual benefits of this alignment and its positive ripple effects across the sector.

Transformation and Technology in Higher Education

This interactive session examines Tribal's updated methodologies designed to address prevalent challenges and tackle the complexities of technological transformation within higher education. It invites a deep dive into the confluence of supplier and customer roles and offers strategies to streamline project execution and enhance the transition experience.

HESA Data Futures 2022/23 Survey: Insights for Improvement

Gain exclusive insights from Tribal’s HESA Data Futures 2022/23 Reflection Survey, which aims to enhance system setups and data processes. This feedback session will share crucial findings and themes from the survey, focusing on data quality, file generation, and strategies for continuous improvement, facilitating smoother operations for the 2023/24 student return cycle.

Nick Elston: Motivation and Confidence for Student Engagement

Find renewed confidence to engage and communicate with students and stakeholders at all levels of your institution. From handling tricky conversations with students to inspiring your team and getting buy-in from management, learn how to persuade and motivate others with this transformational speaking workshop.

Nick Elston: Adversity to Excitement: It’s Time to Forge Ahead (Keynote)

Working in Education can be tough with daily challenges. Join us for a keynote with a difference as motivational speaker Nick Elston tells his story of overcoming challenges in life, work and his own mental health, to turn adversity into excitement and create a powerful, productive force for good.

Professor Liz Mossop, Vice-Chancellor, Sheffield Hallam University

Professor Mossop will address delegates with her unique viewpoint on Further and Higher Education.


Find out everything you need and order your tickets here

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