Elevating Student Wellbeing: How Tribal's Student Support & Wellbeing Solution Transforms Australian and New Zealand Universities

Posted by Tribal Group

In recent years, the wellbeing of university students in Australia and New Zealand has become a paramount concern. The pressures of academic life, challenges associated with remote learning, and the enduring impact of the global pandemic have all contributed to a growing need for comprehensive support systems within higher education institutions. In this article, we will explore how Tribal's Student Support & Wellbeing solution uniquely addresses these pressing concerns and provide valuable insights and statistics to demonstrate its effectiveness.


Understanding the Wellbeing Challenge

The current state of student wellbeing in Australian and New Zealand universities is cause for alarm. Decision-makers within these institutions are actively seeking solutions. Here are some key statistics and insights to underscore the relevance of a student support solution:

1. Rising Mental Health Concerns:

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 20% of adolescents worldwide suffer from mental health problems. University students, in particular, face a heightened risk due to the stress associated with academic transitions and coursework. In Australia, alarming statistics reveal that one-third of respondents to the 2016 National Tertiary Student Wellbeing Survey reported experiencing mental health problems. Moreover, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that between 2020 and 2022, 21.5% of individuals aged 16-85 had a 12-month mental disorder. In New Zealand, 23.6% of young people aged 15–24 experienced high levels of psychological distress in 2021/22, with particular vulnerability among Māori and Pasifika youth groups.

2. Academic Performance Decline:

Extensive research has established a clear link between high stress levels and declining academic performance. A substantial 64% of college students in the United States experiencing mental health challenges withdraw from their studies, as reported by the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Internationally, the 2015 University Experience Survey National Report indicated that many students considered leaving their courses in 2013 and 2014, with 31% citing health and stress-related reasons as a major factor.

3. Retention Rates:

Universities are increasingly concerned about retaining students, and statistics show that students treated for mental health problems are at higher risk of dropping out. Among students receiving mental health treatment, 22.2% left their studies in the first year, compared to just 13.9% of students not receiving treatment. Implementing mental health policies and programs can enable institutions to intervene and remediate mental health problems among students early on.


The Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention in addressing wellbeing issues among university students is a proactive and compassionate approach that not only mitigates crises but also fosters a supportive and nurturing academic environment. With the alarming rise in mental health concerns among university students in Australia and New Zealand, the need for early intervention is more critical than ever. The transition to higher education is a significant life change, often accompanied by stress, academic pressure, and newfound responsibilities. Here, we delve deeper into why early intervention is essential:

    • Identification of Struggling Students: The first step in addressing wellbeing challenges is identifying students who may be struggling. Stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues are often not visible on the surface. Early intervention tools can track students' wellbeing indicators, such as academic performance, attendance, and self-reported concerns. By recognising these signs early, institutions can provide support before problems escalate.

    • Preventing Dropouts and Self-Harm: When wellbeing issues go unnoticed and unaddressed, they can lead to severe consequences, including academic dropout and, in extreme cases, self-harm. By identifying struggling students in their early stages of difficulty, universities can take measures to prevent these outcomes. This early support is not just about preserving academic progress but also safeguarding the physical and mental health of students.

    • Tailored Support: One of the advantages of early intervention is that it allows for personalised assistance. Different students have different needs and experiences. Early intervention tools like Tribal's solution enable universities to tailor support resources and strategies to meet the specific requirements of each student. This personalised approach increases the effectiveness of interventions and fosters a sense of care and support.

    • Reducing Stigma: The stigma surrounding mental health issues can deter students from seeking help when they need it. Early intervention tools can be designed to respect privacy and provide discreet assistance, allowing students to access support without fear of judgment. By reducing stigma and making help easily accessible, institutions can create an environment where students feel safe discussing their wellbeing concerns.

    • Enhancing Academic Success: Early intervention is not just about crisis management; it's also about promoting academic success. When students receive timely support for their wellbeing challenges, they are more likely to stay engaged, perform well academically, and ultimately succeed in their educational journey. This not only benefits the students but also contributes to the overall success and reputation of the university.

    • Supporting the Transition Period: The first year of university can be particularly challenging for students. Many are navigating an unfamiliar environment, adapting to a new learning style, and managing the increased independence that comes with university life. Early intervention tools, like Tribal's solution, guide students through this transitional period, helping them acclimate to the academic and social aspects of university life.

By embracing early intervention, institutions can create a culture of care and ensure that students receive the support they need to thrive during their university journey.


The Role of Innovative Solutions

In response to these issues, innovative apps like Tribal's Student Support & Wellbeing solution have emerged and it plays a crucial role in identifying struggling students, providing tailored support, and promoting their overall wellbeing and academic success. Tribal's solution offers several key features to address these challenges.


Key Features of Tribal's Student Support & Wellbeing Solution:

    • Holistic Wellbeing Support: In an environment where students face academic, personal, and emotional challenges, our solution provides comprehensive support to address their multifaceted needs.

    • Real-time Analytics: Our platform offers real-time analytics and data for decision-makers, allowing them to access statistics on student engagement, wellbeing trends, and intervention outcomes, enabling data-driven decisions to enhance student support.

    • Personalised Assistance: Tailored support is vital to addressing the diverse needs of students. Our platform offers personalised assistance to each student, increasing the effectiveness of interventions and fostering a sense of care and support.

    • Seamless Integration: Tribal's solution seamlessly integrates with existing university systems, making it easy to implement and manage. This reduces the workload for university staff and ensures a smooth user experience for students.

    • Multichannel Communication: Effective communication is key to supporting students. Our product offers multichannel communication options, including chatbots, mobile apps, and email, ensuring that students can reach out for help in the way that suits them best.


Tribal's Student Support & Wellbeing Solution is a valuable resource that institutions can utilise to address the pressing wellbeing issues facing Australian and New Zealand university students. Its key features make it an appealing choice for decision-makers looking to enhance the support they provide to their staff and students. By implementing Tribal's solution, universities can ensure the wellbeing and success of their student population, benefiting all stakeholders.

To learn more about how our solution can benefit your institution, visit our page or get in touch.

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