Are you responding quickly enough to your prospective student enquiries?

Posted by Maddison Woodall on Jul 15, 2022 5:44:19 AM

Research from UNIQUEST has revealed the volume of student enquiries to UK universities that go unanswered, and the manner in which others are followed up. It’s perhaps unsurprising when we consider that in 2015, just 3% of institutions utilised a CRM to support the full student lifecycle from initial enquiry, and many universities are yet to make the most of their solutions. The key findings that Uniquest uncovered demonstrate the gaps in student expectation versus experience and shows that international students are typically enjoying a better experience than domestic students.

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Topics: Student Experience, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, CRM, Student engagement, Student Marketing & Recruitment, APAC-HE, APAC, APAC-FE, APAC SM&R, APAC blogs

Why you need a student recruitment CRM in Higher Education

Posted by Charlotte Boaden on Jul 15, 2022 5:34:58 AM

A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is software used to manage and automate marketing campaigns utilising customer data, engagement, and insights.

When adapted for Higher Education, CRM systems can be used to supercharge student recruitment as it provides a platform for the entire campaign, including data collection, communication, and reporting. A CRM system’s strength lies in the automation of workflows, freeing up internal resources to focus on other elements of student recruitment. 

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Topics: Asia, Australia, New Zealand, CRM, Student Marketing & Recruitment, APAC-HE, APAC, APAC SM&R, APAC blogs

Five student recruitment strategies for attracting domestic students

Posted by Tribal Group on Apr 28, 2022 3:14:30 AM

In a post-pandemic world, student expectations for the higher education experience have evolved. Institutions now recognise that student recruitment strategies require fine-tuning and realignment to stay relevant and effective, particularly as their provisions have also transformed.

In this two-part blog series, we look at what it takes to attract university students to your institution. Here, we explore five ways in which to optimise your student recruitment to attract domestic students. If you want to explore five ways to attract international students, check out our next blog here.

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Topics: Asia, Australia, New Zealand, CRM, International Education, Student engagement, Student Marketing & Recruitment, APAC-HE, APAC, APAC-FE, APAC SM&R, APAC blogs

How to attract international students to your university

Posted by Maddison Woodall on Feb 9, 2022 1:48:32 AM

Key ways to differentiate your student recruitment and marketing campaigns to attract international students to the Asia Pacific region.

Recruiting international students was challenging prior to the global pandemic, but since the outbreak of Covid-19, marketing teams in APAC’s higher education institutions must be even smarter in the way they develop campaigns for prospective students. With a global focus on attracting international students, listening to the student voice, and reflecting it in finely tuned, hyper-relevant marketing and recruitment programs, has never been more important.

In this blog, we summarise the key takeaways from the recently published, must-read International Student Barometer whitepaper for marketing and recruitment departments targeting international students. This blog takes a deep dive into international student groups and what elements they care about most.

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Topics: Asia, Australia, New Zealand, CRM, International Education, Student engagement, Student Marketing & Recruitment, APAC-HE, APAC, APAC SM&R, APAC blogs